
We will continue appointments in person, virtually or by phone. We are encouraging clients to utilize our secure online portal to send and receive documents used for tax preparation and other services. Use of the secure portal significantly speeds the process. If you have not set up our client portal yet, this would be a great time to consider it. Please contact us 360-329-7031 or email kimberly@petersonnwcpa.com to request more information.

If you have documents that must be dropped off, feel free to come up to say “Hi” to the team and drop them off in person. You may also use the black drop box on the side of the building. It is located near the entrance of our driveway, attached to our building near the postal mailboxes.

If your return is ready to be delivered, please let us know if you would like it delivered to your portal, picked up or have it mailed.

As always, we are happy to answer your questions and help you to navigate these changes. Please call or email us if we can be of assistance.

Thank you for trusting us with your tax and accounting needs. We are grateful for your support and understanding as we navigate this unprecedented situation.

Stay safe and have a wonderful day!

Michelle, Laurie, Kaitlyn, Tammi, & Kim
Peterson NW CPA

Copyright © 2022, Peterson NW CPA, Inc. | Certified Public Accountants